Payment posting

Welcome to Hawk Revenue Group's, As an esteemed provider of Medical Billing services, we recognize the critical role that efficient and precise payment posting plays in the overall medical billing cycle. Our dedicated team of professionals ensures this task is executed seamlessly, paving the way for robust revenue management.

What is payment posting?

Payment Posting is a crucial step in the medical billing process that involves recording and managing payments and adjustments received from both patients and insurance companies. It requires accurate application of payments against the correct patient accounts and specific service lines, ensuring the balance reflects the correct amount owed.

Why is payment posting important?

Payment posting serves as the foundation for successful revenue cycle management. Accurate payment posting ensures that patient balances are up-to-date and correct, which is essential for maintaining a healthy cash flow. Moreover, it aids in identifying trends in denials, underpayments, and delays by insurance providers, enabling proactive revenue management strategies.

How it's done

At Hawk Revenue Group, our team of billing experts uses advanced technology and industry-specific software to ensure accurate payment posting. This involves meticulous review of Explanation of Benefits (EOBs), accurate entry of payments, and careful handling of adjustments. We also conduct regular audits to detect any errors or discrepancies, ensuring the highest level of accuracy.

Our expertise and How it benefits you

With extensive experience in the healthcare industry, HRG offers unmatched expertise in all aspects of the medical billing process, including payment posting. By partnering with us, you can expect:

Improved Cash Flow: Accurate payment posting reduces aging accounts receivable, helping to improve cash flow.

Reduced Errors: Our rigorous review and audit processes significantly reduce the risk of errors, leading to fewer issues with patient balances and insurance reimbursements.

Better Patient Satisfaction: Accurate billing and clear communication about balances due can greatly enhance patient satisfaction and trust.

Time Savings: Outsourcing payment posting to us allows healthcare providers to focus more on patient care, while we manage the complex billing process.


In conclusion, claims submission, electronic billing, and paper billing are critical steps in the medical billing cycle. With Hawk Revenue Group's comprehensive services, you can streamline your billing process, minimize errors, and optimize your revenue. Contact us today to learn how our expertise can benefit your practice.

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"As the Chief Financial Officer at Mercy General Hospital, I am delighted to share our experience working with Hawk Revenue Group. Their proficiency in Claims Submission, Electronic Billing, and Paper Billing has been instrumental in elevating our Medical Billing process. Before Hawk Revenue Group came on board, we were grappling with inefficiencies and inaccuracies in our claims submission and billing processes. This often led to delayed payments and increased denials. However, Hawk Revenue Group's team transformed our situation. They meticulously managed each claim from submission to final payment, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. Their expertise in electronic billing has brought about a significant reduction in our paper usage, making our billing process more environmentally friendly while also enhancing efficiency. Furthermore, their understanding of payer-specific rules and regulations ensured our paper billing processes remained compliant and effective. In conclusion, Hawk Revenue Group's exceptional service in Claims Submission, Electronic Billing, and Paper Billing has been a game changer for our hospital. We've seen a substantial reduction in claim denials, an increase in revenue, and improved efficiency. We look forward to continuing our successful partnership."

Richard Johnson

Chief Financial Officer, Mercy General Hospital

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