Why choose us?


Our team of experienced professionals specializes in helping physicians start and manage their practices. We understand the unique challenges you face and have the knowledge and experience to guide you every step of the way.

Customized Solutions

We recognize that every medical practice is different, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. From choosing the right business structure to implementing the latest technology, we'll work with you to create a plan that sets you up for success.

Comprehensive Support

Our services cover all aspects of starting and running a medical practice, including licensing, credentialing, office setup, staffing, billing, marketing, and more. With our help, you can focus on providing exceptional care to your patients while we handle the rest.

Our Services

Choosing the right type
of practice
Setting up your
business structure
Market research
Location and office setup
Staffing solutions
24/7 IT support
Website development & marketing
Licensing and credentialing
Malpractice insurance guidance
Streamlined appointment
Electronic health
records (EHR) system
Practice manager setup
Revenue cycle management
Referrals and
coordination of care
Quality improvement and
performance measurement

Starting your own medical practice:
A comprehensive guide

Navigating the journey of opening your own medical practice can be overwhelming. That's why we're
here to guide you every step of the way. While individual practices may vary, this guide provides a
general idea of the steps involved.

  • Choosing the right type
    of practice
    From independent practices managed by a single physician, to larger group practices or hospital-owned practices, we can help you identify the model that best aligns with your goals.learn more
  • Setting up your
    business structure
    From sole proprietorship to limited liability companies, we'll advise on the best structure for your practice. Our team can handle incorporation, filings, bookkeeping, and even everyday tasks such as utilities and payroll.learn more
  • Market research
    As part of our services, our team conducts thorough market analysis. We identify your competitors, potential referral base, location options, and key insurance payors you should contract with to ensure your practice's sustainability. learn more
  • Location and office setup
    We'll assist you in finding the perfect location for your practice and ensuring it's equipped with the necessary furniture, equipment, and supplies. learn more
  • Staffing solutions
    Hiring the right team is crucial. We offer cost-effective solutions, including virtual assistants, call center staff, schedulers, and virtual scribes. If you prefer in-person staff, we can assist with hiring, training, and ensuring HIPAA compliance. learn more
  • 24/7 IT support
    Our IT team is available around the clock to assist with setting up computers, communication systems, email setup, and more. learn more
  • Website development &
    Presentation matters. We'll help craft your digital presence, from SEO-friendly website content to social media management. Our team can also devise a comprehensive marketing plan to attract patients even before your doors open. learn more
  • Licensing and credentialing
    We'll guide you through the complex process of obtaining the necessary IDs, licenses, and insurance credentials, ensuring you're ready to submit insurance claims from day one. learn more
  • Malpractice insurance
    We'll provide advice and connections to obtain the appropriate malpractice insurance, protecting you against potential legal issues. learn more
  • Streamlined appointment
    With our virtual medical assistants, appointment scheduling is a breeze. This solution reduces in-house staffing needs and is highly cost-effective. learn more
  • Electronic health
    records (EHR) system
    We'll help you select and implement a HIPAA-compliant EHR system. We've partnered with an EMR company to provide this essential tool at a discounted price. learn more
  • Practice manager setup
    Once credentialing is complete, we'll help set up billing through the EMR/clearinghouse, ensuring a smooth transition to electronic claims submission. learn more
  • Revenue
    cycle management
    Our billing team manages the entire revenue cycle – pre-eligibility verification, claims submission, denial follow-up, and A/R management. We provide comprehensive monthly reports for full transparency learn more
  • Referrals and
    coordination of care
    We'll help you build a database of referring physicians, ensuring a constant stream of patients and seamless coordination of care. learn more
  • Quality improvement and
    performance measurement
    We'll help you navigate quality reporting programs like the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), ensuring your practice remains compliant and high-performing. learn more

Frequently asked questions

Setting up a medical practice in the US involves several important steps, including:

  • Creating a business plan outlining your goals, target market, and financial projections
  • Choosing a suitable location and office space for your practice
  • Obtaining necessary licenses, permits, and certifications, such as state medical board licenses and DEA registration
  • Setting up your practice's legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation)
  • Obtaining malpractice insurance coverage
  • Establishing relationships with healthcare providers, hospitals, and insurance companies
  • Implementing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system to manage patient records
  • Hiring and training staff members
  • Creating marketing materials and strategies to attract patients

Setting up a medical practice in the US involves several important steps, including:

  • Creating a business plan outlining your goals, target market, and financial projections
  • Choosing a suitable location and office space for your practice
  • Obtaining necessary licenses, permits, and certifications, such as state medical board licenses and DEA registration
  • Setting up your practice's legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation)
  • Obtaining malpractice insurance coverage
  • Establishing relationships with healthcare providers, hospitals, and insurance companies
  • Implementing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system to manage patient records
  • Hiring and training staff members
  • Creating marketing materials and strategies to attract patients

Setting up a medical practice in the US involves several important steps, including:

  • Creating a business plan outlining your goals, target market, and financial projections
  • Choosing a suitable location and office space for your practice
  • Obtaining necessary licenses, permits, and certifications, such as state medical board licenses and DEA registration
  • Setting up your practice's legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation)
  • Obtaining malpractice insurance coverage
  • Establishing relationships with healthcare providers, hospitals, and insurance companies
  • Implementing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system to manage patient records
  • Hiring and training staff members
  • Creating marketing materials and strategies to attract patients

Setting up a medical practice in the US involves several important steps, including:

  • Creating a business plan outlining your goals, target market, and financial projections
  • Choosing a suitable location and office space for your practice
  • Obtaining necessary licenses, permits, and certifications, such as state medical board licenses and DEA registration
  • Setting up your practice's legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation)
  • Obtaining malpractice insurance coverage
  • Establishing relationships with healthcare providers, hospitals, and insurance companies
  • Implementing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system to manage patient records
  • Hiring and training staff members
  • Creating marketing materials and strategies to attract patients

The Advantages of Turnkey Solutions for Your Medical Practice Setup

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How to Select the Perfect Turnkey Solution Provider for Your Medical Practice Setup

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Navigating the Legal Landscape: How Turnkey Solutions Ensure Compliance for Your Medical Practice

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Attract Patients and Build Your Reputation: Turnkey Solutions for Medical Practice Marketing

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